Forum Discussion

kavansays's avatar
10 years ago

Running Windows Batch Files in Test Complete(VBscript)

I am trying to execute bat file through code instead of using "TESTED APPS" as below..   -------------- sAutoAppPath = "E:\AutomationDir\Applications\InDMSApp_QA\bin\start_dms.bat" Call Sys.OleOb...
  • kavansays's avatar
    10 years ago

    Thanks All,

    Finally i got the solution on this..


    Sys.OleObject("WScript.Shell").Run "C:\Windows\notepad.exe", SW_SHOWNORMAL
    Win32API.WinExec "C:\Windows\notepad.exe", SW_SHOWNORMAL


    Above are the two ways working fine for me, problem i observed is the parenthesis and the syntax error which was not covered under error/warning that i was getting from testcomplete. 


    Cheers !!