Forum Discussion

Yshippin's avatar
12 years ago

Sending a test results summary mail without all the attachments


Does anyone here have a quick and easy way to send the test results summary without all the attached files?

The problem is that our tests are quite extensive so the test results emailed by TestComplete's default email function are huge ( usually  over 15MB ).

I've thought of a few workarounds (block attachments / extract the data using a TestComplete script) but it would be nice if there was a neater way to do this.
  • About result, I added a Project Suite variable of string type and I write there name of the test if there was an error in this test (see OnLogError event handler).

    Then in a letter in body I just write down this variable, so developers can see not only where they can find the log file but what tests failed.

5 Replies

  • Hi,

    I had the same problem, now I export my log and copy it to the server. In my letter I just send a path to this server. This is Delphi script:

    path := 'my path';


     if  (SendMail('Address of those who receive your letter', 'server', 'Sender name', 'Sender address', 'subject', path))               



                      Log.Message('Mail was sent');  



                Log.Warning('Mail was not sent');

  • About result, I added a Project Suite variable of string type and I write there name of the test if there was an error in this test (see OnLogError event handler).

    Then in a letter in body I just write down this variable, so developers can see not only where they can find the log file but what tests failed.

    • adarsh's avatar
      New Contributor

      kindly share the steps to include in my script, that will help me a lot. Thanks

  • Yeah I thought about something like this, but I would also like the results included in the email, so the developers could get some instant feedback about how many of the tests failed.

    I guess I'll just build a script to manually fetch the results from the exported logs files.

    Thanks anyway,
