Forum Discussion

Achoubey's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

struggling with High maintenance cost due to UI changes

Hello all: We are having some major changes in a web application due to accessibility regulations in Canada. Every release is coming with changes in the UI elements or panels. This is resulting in...
  • BenoitB's avatar
    5 years ago



    Does the changes

    - are no predictible at all ?

    - are ui functional only ?

    - are technical (name/type of field) also ?


    These kind of change are always costly but you can optimize with some script logic.


    I give you my way.

    - Create one object/method by screen page.

    - Input of each of these methods is a string of triplets; name of field:type of field=value or with a bi dimensional array.

    - On your method do a loop on these values and for each element you know the name and type of the field to modify and the target value. So you can make a switch on the type for doing the correct action.

    - You can also just make a switch on the name of the field, so UI changes is just adding the field in the switch.


    Example for last option:


          /* Edit:              
               Code postal                zipCode
               Nom                        cardholderSurname
               Prénom                     cardholderFirstName
               Numéro immatriculation     plateNumber
               Numéro série               vehicleSerialNumber
               Civilité                   title
               Pays                       country
             Case à cocher:
               Titulaire carte grise      isContractor, isDriver, isOther
               Loi Hamon                  hasContractWithOtherInsurer
          saisieIdentificationConducteur:function(Data) {
            let trace = this.methodStart("saisieIdentificationConducteur(" + Data + " ) - Saisie du formulaire Identification conducteur du contrat");
            try {
              let container = qa.system.findIt(Sys.Browser("*").Page("*"), "ObjectIdentifier", "policyVehicleForm", qa.system.time.longer, 15, true, true);
              let recherche = Data.split(";");
              let fields;
              for (let i = 0; i < recherche.length; i++) {
                if (recherche[i] != "") {
                  fields = recherche[i].split("=");
                  switch (fields[0]) {
                    case "souscripteurHamon" :
                      if (fields[1] == "oui")
                        qa.web.findItWeb("id", "hasContractWithOtherInsurer", "INPUT")[0].Click();
                    case "titulaire" :
                      switch (fields[1]) {
                        case "conducteur" :
                          qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isDriver", "INPUT")[0].Click();
                        case "souscripteur" :
                          qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isContractor", "INPUT")[0].Click();
                        case "autre" :
                          qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isOther", "INPUT")[0].Click();
                    case "plateNumber" :
                    case "vehicleSerialNumber" :  
                    case "cardholderSurname" :
                    case "cardholderFirstName" :
                    case "zipCode" :
                      qa.system.findIt(container, "ObjectIdentifier", fields[0], 0, 10, true, true).Keys(fields[1] + "[Tab]");
                    case "title" :
                    case "country" :
                      qa.web.selectValueInHTMLCombo(fields[0], fields[1]);
                    default :
                      throw Error("Saisie identification conducteur, champ '" + fields[0] + "' non géré/incorrect !");         
            catch(e) {
              errorString = qa.system.logExceptionByLevel(e, trace);
            finally {
              return this.methodStop(true);