Forum Discussion

sgoodman's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Task errors

I have been unable to find any documentation on distributed testing concerning the handling of errors of a slave task.


I am currently configuring a job with several task to run on separate hosts. I run the job with the Jobobj.Run method and set WaitForCompletion parameter to true.


What I am observing is that if one of the tasks as a error, once it finishes its execution, the job will then halt any other running tasks.


Is this the correct expected behavior and if so, what's the best way to avoid a job halting tasks simply because one of them failed?

  • Just curious, do you have "stop on error" checked in the Project | Playback settings for any of the involved projects? If so it could stop the slave or master.

    Also, I've had to implement some script with exception handling as well to gobble up any errors that occur in the running slave projects.
  • maximojo's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Just curious, do you have "stop on error" checked in the Project | Playback settings for any of the involved projects? If so it could stop the slave or master.

    Also, I've had to implement some script with exception handling as well to gobble up any errors that occur in the running slave projects.
  • sgoodman's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thanks Mark, that looks to be my issue.  I didn't think to check that in the master project.  It appears to be working. I will follow back up with the thread if I find a case where it is not working.