Forum Discussion

Uzumaki's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

TestComplete generating new javascript errors in modal popup (IE)


After recording a test in IE 9 I played it back. During playback I got javascript error that I do not get while clicking through the GUI like a normal user or while recording the keyword test.

My first thought was that TestComplete might be a little to fast clicking certain buttons as all javascript functionality might not have been loaded. The javascript error that appeared was: "function expected".

I have tried adding delays in order to allow the modal popup to load completely. I also tried to use the 'Wait' functionality on the page object. None of these techniques helped as the javascript error keeps appearing during playback of the test. One workaround would be to somehow handle the error popup by clicking it, but I cant figure out how to get that to work either.

Any help?

Thank you.


  • Hi Joakim,

    You seem to be using TC 8.50 and to have faced a know problem. Please contact us directly so we can provide a fix for the problem.
  • Hi Alex, 

    We are using TC 8.7 and are facing the same problem. 

    Is it something that is considered to be already fixed in version 8.7? Could you please let me know how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance
  • AlexeyK's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)


    As far as I know, the problem has been fixed in TestComplete 9. If you don't have it yet, please download a trial version and check if it works for you.