Forum Discussion

pv987654321's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

TestComplete/TestExecute does not create Junit report xml file



I am trying to execute my TestComplete tests from command line as in and was able to successfully run the tests. Post the execution I could not see any junit xml file being created, could anyone help with this please
I have used /ExportSummary:junit.xml option as suggested, yet I could not see that being created. Also,it's the same situation when running the tests with the IDE and TestComplete Jenkins Plugin 



  • pv987654321's avatar
    6 years ago

    Considering my scenario of generating Junit xml to publish test results on Jenkins (not using TestComplete support plugin for Jenkins, as I had some issue with Jnaexception) I have figured it out by using /ExportLogToXMLAlso along with using /ExportLog to generate html and mht files. With that the TestComplete xUnit plugin helped in publishing the test results taking the .mht file as input and other supporting files that were generated

5 Replies

  • Bobik's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    In your case, TC tries to save your junit.xml by TestComplete.exe path.

    You have to set a full path to junit.xml as a parameter. /ExportSummary:"C:\Temp\junit.xml"

    • pv987654321's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the reply Bobik 

      I have tried both the ways

      /ExportSummary:junit.xml and /ExportSummary:"c:\users\pv\tcresults\junit.xml"

      yet I could not find the the file anywhere in the C: directory

      Any other suggestions please

      • Bobik's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        What is your TC version? /ExportSummary key was added since 14.10 release.

        Also, could you show us your command line?