Forum Discussion

krosav's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

The recorder stopped recognizing and highlighting objects



My laptop at work got upgraded to a more recent one. The old one had Windows 7, the new - Windows 10.

I had TestComplete installed on my old laptop, and installed it on the new laptop too.

I exported all settings from the TestComplete on the old laptop, and imported them on TestComplete on the new, so that i can have the same settings configured.


On the old laptop, the recording worked very well. When i start recording a script, and i hover with the mouse cursor over controls on a web page, each control was recognized and highlighted.


Now, with the new laptop, i have no idea what changed, but now when i start recording and i hover with the mouse over the same page, the controls are not highlighted, the frame of the whole page is highlighted instead. In both cases i use the same web page, with browser Chrome, and in both cases the Smartbear extension for Chrome is installed and enabled.


Is there some setting that i overlooked, that i should change, so that the recording recognizes and highlights the controls again?


Thank you!

  • Wamboo and tristaanogre, thank you for this thorough investigation! 


    Hi krosav , I found your support ticket and see that the problem solved itself after Chrome autoupdated!

    So, as you mention there, it was specific to "Chrome version 80.0.3987.106, and when used with Windows 10".


    Glad to know the issue is no longer there:smileyhappy:

21 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    IT sounds like you might have the Web plugin disabled on the new machine.  Go to Files -> Install Extensions and make sure that the web option is checked.

    • krosav's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I just checked, and its not that... The web option IS checked on the new machine.


      Thank you for the suggestion!

  • Wamboo's avatar
    Community Hero



    Did You try to look into 'Tools -> 'Current Project Properties' options?

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Next question:


      I know that recently Chrome updated from version 79 to version 80 and, actually, I'm just checking right now and it looks like it's updating again to another subversion.  In your migration from one machine to another, is it possible you're running a different version of Chrome and, while the extension is enabled, TC might not be working with the new version yet or a patch needs to be applied.  There IS a patch available for Chrome 80 now ( perhaps you need to apply that?

      • krosav's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Thank you Robert for your help...


        I checked, and on both machines i have Chrome version 79. I looked at the link you provided in your post, and it says that no patch is needed for Chrome 79... :-(

    • krosav's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Well, since i exported the settings from my old machine and imported them on the new one, they are supposed to be the same.


      Also, about the current project settings, the project on the new machine is a copy of the one on the old machine, so the settings are supposed to be the same, too... There are many settings in there, i looked at both machines, and settins seem to be identical...


      Is there a setting in particular that could have changed, and that could cause my problem?