Forum Discussion

sguda's avatar
Regular Contributor
15 years ago

The selection made in drop down is not playing back.


I one of the pages, i have to click on drop down and check the items i want to be selected, click on the page at some point to close drop down. I recorded this in my keyword test.

But when playing back, it is opening the drop down going to selections but not checking the boxes in order to select. it is saying that waiting to close drop down, when it closes down it is populating the field with default value  "no filter" . so it is acting as if nothing has been selected in the drop down.

Why it is not checking the check box in the drop down . can you please suggest.

4 Replies

  • Hi Sri,

    Please execute this test, pack the project suite folder, and send us the archive via the Contact Support form. We will look into the test and results of its execution.
  • I am having the same issue - my dropdown selections are not populating during the run of the test.  Is there any further updates to this issue?

  • sguda's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    I think i skipped and took an alternative way to access the page like directly posting the url to access that page.

  • Hi Suzanne,

    Please describe your case in detail. Let me know what kind of application you have, in which programming language it is written and what exactly dropdown control is used in it.