Forum Discussion

Gardino's avatar
14 years ago

Trouble finding msiexec

Hi folks,

Sometimes when I run my installer, TC cannot find msiexec.  That's because the process has started as miexec1.  Does anyone know what causes the change in name?

Some background:  I run the installer as a tested app, and I check to see if there are other instances of msiexec running before I start the installer.  There are not.

I suppose I could make the script just go out and look for any msiexec\wndMsiDialogCloseClass\btnNext, but I really don't like "solving" a problem I don't understand.  Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
  • Hi,

    Installers typically create several processes, so this is the expected behavior. Your process is mapped by index in Name Mapping, which is not reliable. Open your Name Mapping scheme and specify child objects by which the target process should be recognized - among all launched msiexec processes, only one creates windows. See the "Specifying Child Objects Required for Mapped Object Identification" help topic for more information.