Forum Discussion

CGilbert's avatar
5 years ago

Unable to find object popup box keeps coming up.

I have been building tests off-site using 14.30, I just recently came back into the office for two days and updated my Test Complete to 14.50, now all of my tests that would run flawlessly are now having this popup box. I have gone through my settings and everything seems to have been set the same. The thing with it is that if I choose the retry button it finds it and keeps going for a bit. Why would it popup if it can find it and why does not always show up for the same items? I felt that if I ran the test a few times it would self heal but it's not. The troubling thing about it is I have been working from home since March and have shown most of my work to my team but now it's not working as it should. 

  • It might be worth raising a support ticket with smartbear, it sounds similar with experiences that I've had, especially with it finding it sometimes and not others. 


    The only thing I can recommend is, check the object properties and make sure that they are unique, so they aren't similar to other controls.


    It could also be a property problem. For example, in my tests I had a window called with the ClrFullClassName property of Main. But, sometimes when I pressed a button in my test, it would change the ClrFullClassName to a bunch of random characters but keep the rest of the property's the same. So I just set the ClrFullClassName property to a wild card '*' and added extra property's to help recognise it.


    Does it sound like one of these issues?

  • PrecisionDan's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    Does the "Unable to find the object" popup appear during test runs? Or does it popup when you are trying to edit the properties of the "btnTestAllProcesses" object? I have had some similar things happen but never had it show this popup whilst tests were running.



    • CGilbert's avatar

      During Test runs only and it varies on when it pops up, the struggling part is when I click the retry the mouse goes directly to the not found item and the test continues on, sometimes to completion sometimes not. And at times the test will run all the way through without issue. And food for thought the test is running on the same system the test was built on. I have not run through my other 30 tests by I feel that they will give me the same results. 

      • CGilbert's avatar

        Really confused by this, I only updated the Test Complete version and did not change anything else. I have compared my settings to that of screenshots to my settings before and everything is the same. The test will run a popup will tell me it can't find it so I point to it and the test goes on. During the next run through I get another popup for something different and sometimes the same item, being that I just re-pointed it in the last run why would it not find it 5 minutes later?