Forum Discussion

blearyeye's avatar
13 years ago

Using ParamByName with ADO.CreateAdoStoredProc()

I have a TC function that uses an SQL server stored procedure; see below. It bombs on the ParamByName line. I've tried the name with and without the @. When I omit the line, it complains (correctly) that a value was not provided for InstanceNumber. Any ideas?

The error message is: An exception occurred in the "GetMachineConfiguration" unit at line
12: Parameter '@InstanceNumber' not found

The TC function:

function GetMachineConfiguration(instanceNumber) {

  var qry = ADO.CreateADOStoredProc();

  qry.ConnectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString();

  qry.ProcedureName = "dbo.STUV_GetMachineConfiguration"

  qry.Parameters.ParamByName("@InstanceNumber").Value = instanceNumber;  



return qry;


The SQL server stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[STUV_GetMachineConfiguration]


@InstanceNumber AS INT




-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.



FROM MachineData 

INNER JOIN MachineTypes ON MachineData.MachineTypeCode = MachineTypes.MachineTypeCode

INNER JOIN MachineConfigs ON 

MachineData.MachineTypeCode = MachineConfigs.MachineTypeCode AND

MachineData.MachineLampingCode = MachineConfigs.MachineLampingCode

CROSS JOIN SoftwareData

WHERE MachineData.InstanceNumber = @InstanceNumber


  • aqAnt's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hello Bill,

    You need to create a parameter to work with. For example:

    function Test_GetMachineConfiguration(instanceNumber) { 

      var qry = ADO.CreateADOStoredProc(); 

      qry.ConnectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString(); 

      qry.ProcedureName = "dbo.STUV_GetMachineConfiguration";

      qry.Parameters.CreateParameter("return_value", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 0, null);

      qry.Parameters.CreateParameter("InstanceNumber", adInteger, adParamInput, 0, instanceNumber);        


      return qry.Parameters.ParamByName("return_value").Value;     


    Please see the Call an SQL Stored Procedure article for more information.
  • Ah, of course. But I don't see where this use of CreateParameter is documented. Can you give a pointer?

    qry.Parameters.CreateParameter("InstanceNumber", adInteger,
    adParamInput, 0, instanceNumber)       

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Bill,

    CreateParameter is one of the methods of ADO by Microsoft that is just wrapped and accessible from TestComplete, thus you should search MSDN for ADO documentation.
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    The ADO object mentioned in that document is a wrapper object that TestComplete makes around the MS objects.  The specifics and tricks and such of those MS objects are documented by the MSDN site.
  • Right, I got that. But why would it be so hard to give a pointer? It's really not clear where TC-specific stuff ends and 3rd party stuff begins. Telling me (a) that I need to look elsewhere and (b) where to go look shouldn't be that big a deal.