Forum Discussion

mfoster711's avatar
Regular Contributor
12 years ago

VBScript Error Handling guidance

I am converting a script from Rational Robot to TestComplete and I am not sure of the best method for performing  error handling in the following example.

I have a script that opens Excel files performs various Excel functions. I am doing this using Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application") methods and properties. In my old code I would use on "On Error Goto Label..." to perform cleanup operations if there were any Excel errors but how do I do this in vbscript? Here is what I have in my old code:

Begin Function

    One Error Goto Cleanup

    Code using various Excel functions....


        objWorkBook.Close False

        Set objRange = Nothing

        Set objWorkBook = Nothing

        Set objWorkSheet = Nothing


        Set objExcel = Nothing

End Function

  • sastowe's avatar
    Super Contributor
    The same question is asked here with a good answer given.