3 years agoRegular Contributor
Verifying a URL in Edge
How can I do a property checkpoint on a URL in the Edge browser? I used to be able to do this in IE (see below) but now after switching to Edge, I am not seeing a way to do this through checkpoints.
This is the only option I am seeing:
aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow, "WndCaption", cmpEqual, "Enrollment Barcodes and 1 more page - Work - Microsoft​ Edge");
In the Object Spy, I can't seem to do map the actual URL. Is it possible to do this?
In IE, I could and still can do this: aqObject.CheckProperty(url, "wText", cmpEqual, "URL");
This says TC only supports up to Edge 93
Best to ask Support about this directly. Here's the link: