Forum Discussion

JeffSm's avatar
15 years ago

viewing TC projects created by others in source control...

We currently have 2 named and 1 floating TestComplete licenses.  I've created a couple TC projects on my PC and checked them into source control (TFS) from TC.  A co-worker has also created a TC project on his PC, which he as also checked into source control.  If we log into the TFS server and go to source control, we can see each others projects.  How can I see his (and check out/in work) projects and vice versa in TC?



  • Hi Jeff,

    TestComplete does not have a built-in SCC client, so it is impossible to get a project from SCC if you do not have a version of this project locally. Use the standard SCC client to get the latest version of the project and then open it using TestComplete.
  • Hi David,

    We've both added and set up the MS TFS MSSCCI Provider to connect TC to source control.  I have no problem checking in and out projects that I've created on my PC.  My co-worker is also checking in his projects to the same location on the source control server.  But we can't see each others projects.  Later if one of use leaves the company, can either of us access the other projects that were created on another computer?  Is this possible?

    On TFS, we have a folder in the source tree called "test automation".  Below that we have created our projects and checked in under:

    \test automation\project x

    \test automation\project y

    \test automation\project z

    If I created x and y, and he created z, can I check out an work on project z?  Each project represents a different product that we will be writing automation for.


  • Hi Jeff,

    The native client for the TFS source control is Microsoft Visual Studio with Team Explorer. You need to use it to get a local copy of the latest version of the needed project. When you open this project in TestComplete, you will be able to check it out and check it in via TestComplete's GUI. If you do not have MSVS on your machine, you can get a copy of the project from your colleague's computer.
  • I have the MS VS Team Explorer installed on the same PC that I have TC installed on.  I was hoping to be able to do all project check out/in in TC, but it seems that it's a limitation of TC that it can only "see" projects in source control that were created on my PC.  That sort of functionality would be a fantastic enhancement. 
  • Hi Jeff,

    The functionality you are requesting is actually the functionality of an SCC client. TestComplete is a tool of another sort, and it is not aimed at doing this.

    Nevertheless, I have registered your request in our database as a suggestion. Thank you.