Forum Discussion

josh42's avatar
Community Hero
4 years ago

Automatic Traceability Links in Zephyr Scale Cloud

Hi everyone,

right now, we are using Zephyr Scale Server in our company but we are (as a lot of users/companies probably are) evaluating the move to the cloud app.

Now, regarding the traceability in the cloud app, I'm at a bit of a loss and maybe those, that already use the cloud app, can shed some light on this.


Recently, we got a test account for the cloud app of Jira including Zephyr Scale and I have been looking into the differences between server and cloud. One thing that is very important to us as a financial service provider in Germany is the traceability between issues, test cases and test executions. I can link test cases to issues and link issues to test executions, just as I can do in the server app.


In server, if you execute a test case covering an issue and you link another issue to the test execution, you automatically get the link between issue 1 and 2 (e.g. requirement and defect) shown in the respective issues.

This does not seem to happen in cloud. All I get is the link to the impacted test execution. This means, that to trace the connection between requirement and defect I have to do a lot more work (clicks) than in server.

For example, a defect is created from a test execution in Zephyr and assigned to a developer. He/she opens the issue and wants to know, which requirement is impacted by this defect. Since only the impacted test execution is shown in the defect, he/she has to click that, then click the corresponding test case and then go to the traceability tab of that test case to finally be able to get to the requirement.

Also, I do not have the option to configure Zephyr in such a way, that test cases (including their execution history) are automatically linked to created defects (as 'blocked') which we use regularly to better manage re-tests of defects.


So the question for all you cloud users out there. Am I missing something? Or is this really a limitation of the cloud app?


Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for any info. 😉





  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Sorry I can't help with this Josh - I'm on the Server version only.

    • josh42's avatar
      Community Hero

      Any plans on moving to cloud? Have you done any investigations into the differences?

      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        No plans that I'm aware of - I'm not the owner of the product.  I did do some comparisons late last year and although I can't remember the specifics, I remember thinking at the time that in some key places the Server version functionality wasn't available in the Cloud version.