Forum Discussion

syedrahman's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Test Player not linking issues

The Issues section in a Test Case within the Test Player is not automatically bringing in the linked JIRA ticket. You must add this manually. Why it is not able to show all linked issues of test cases?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Not sure why this isn't working for you but test issues should link.  There are various ways you can add issues to a test.  You can see these in full in the video link I've posted below, and specifically for creating Issues via the Test Player in the images I've attached: Creating an Issue at Test Case level (1), or creating an Issue at an individual Test Step  level (2).


    Academy link: 

    Zephyr Scale Manual Test Engineer | SmartBear Software


    Hope this helps.

    • syedrahman's avatar
      New Contributor

      I linked issues in the testcase:

      During execution, I did not find the issues linked:



      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I don't think it works that way.


        Adding an issue in the Traceability tab of a Test Case will add an issue to the overall Test Case, but it will not be visible in the Test Player because Test Cases can be added to multiple Test Cycles and executed multiple times (each could experience different issues).  So each Execution of a Test Case, has its own unique ID.  You can see this in the Executions tab for a Test Case.


        There are a few ways to add Issues to Test Cases but if you want to see them in the Test Player, the only way I know how to do that is by adding them inside the Test Player.


        I've added some attachments that hopefully help.

