After migrating to cloud test executions are not under test cycle
Hello, Recently we are migrating from server to cloud with Zephyr squad, however we came across a strange situation. Below is the test case screenshot where we are able to see the test execution in Jan 2023 Malaysia Test cycle, however we are unable to see the same test executions in cycle summary under test cycle, however if we change the status of the test execution in test case it was automatically reflecting under test cycle. We need to see the test executions under test cycles as it was showing in on on-prem before migration. I have provided all the screenshots. please let us know your inputs524Views0likes2CommentsZbot configuration
Hello, I have downladed Zepyre Squad, and i want to conduct Selenium Tests using Zbot REST API. i have configured the Zbot according to the README file, but now how do i connect it back to JIRA? there are no Zbots in the Automation Test Zbot Selection Drop Down....223Views1like1Comment`status` param ignored when creating execution via API
We're adding integration to Zephyr Squad via API. According to the documentation for the `create_execution` endpoint, we should be able to pass the parameter `status`, as an Object and set it to whatever value we want. We wanted to have this attribute set to "WIP". However, this parameter is simply ignored. These are the bodies of the request that were tested: '{"status":{"id":3},"projectId":10000,"issueId":10050,"versionId":-1,"cycleId":-1}' # supposed to be the right one '{"status":{"name":"WIP"},"projectId":10000,"issueId":10050,"versionId":-1,"cycleId":-1}' '{"status":{"name":"WIP","id":3},"projectId":10000,"issueId":10050,"versionId":-1,"cycleId":-1}' '{"status":3,"projectId":10000,"issueId":10050,"versionId":-1,"cycleId":-1}' '{"status":{"id":1},"projectId":10000,"issueId":10050,"versionId":-1,"cycleId":-1}' Neither of the above worked and each time in response we were getting an execution with the status "UNEXECUTED": ... "status":{"name":"UNEXECUTED","id":-1... Is there something we can do to make it work? Temporarily we'll be using a second call to update the created execution on the `update_execution` endpoint.1.2KViews0likes4CommentsJIRA Test case execution
Hi Team, I need to integrate JIRA zephyr squad with my application. I want to automate the process of test case execution and cycle execution. Can you please guide me, how to do that? I have tried something and posted on the Zephyr Squad community link is given below Please give me step by step approach to do it. Thanks, Akhtar176Views0likes2CommentsNeed a dashboard widget that shows Test step status's
Need a dashboard widget that shows Test step status's. Zephyr Scale has a widget called Test Execution Results that shows the individual steps added to an test issue. We want to be able to report on this information and include it in our dashboards. Can this widget be added to Zephyr Squad?276Views2likes2Commentsis it possible to automate on creation test cycles and folder under Tests>Execute Tests.
I have a requirement that in our project where we need to create folders Under Tests>Execute test>Test cycles/Folders section.Every time I need to create some set of folders and Add test cases individually.Is there a way this can be automated and reduce manual work.All I need is to create few folders and add more than 50 test cases Via search filter for each folder.244Views0likes1Comment"Internal Server Error" 500 code on using Save and Execute API
I have been getting an "Internal Server Error" (500 code) whenever I'm trying to use the save and execute API ( to upload the test execution reports. Here is an example of my request header and body: Request Header: { accessKey:{{accessKey}} jwt:{{JWT_Token}} secretKey:{{secretKey}} accountID:{{accountId}} } Request Body: { jobName:New Task jobDescription:New Task Desc automationFramework:Cucumber versionName:Unscheduled cycleName:AtestCycle createNewCycle:true appendDateTimeInCycleName:false folderName:Windows createNewFolder:false appendDateTimeInFolderName:false assigneeUser:{{accountId}} mandatoryFields:'{\"components\":[{\"label\":\"my component\",\"value\":\"my component\",\"content\":\"my component\"}],{\"reporter\":{\"label\":\"Jaya Kushwaha\",\"name\":\"Jaya Kushwaha\",\"id\":\"{{accountId}}\"}} automationVia:Upload projectKey:CC assigneeDisplayName:Jaya Kushwaha cycleStartDate:01/11/23 cycleEndDate:01/11/23 } Making this API call would result in the creation of the job on the U.I. but it is neither able to upload the cucumber report nor create the test cycle.254Views0likes2CommentsNeed help on Test Executions based on Cycle Zephyr Squad Cloud API
The API documentation for these two end points is terrible. ... vs. Specifically, there is no information provided for the following parameters: - expand "expand of Execution" String - sortOrder "sortOrder of Execution" String - action "action of Execution" String - sortBy "sortBy of Execution" String Can anyone refer me to something with more information? I'm specifically wondering about expand and action. This is the URL I am hitting: I have even given necessary headers like Zapi access key and jwt token. Still unable to authenticate. MartiLobosanupdamodaranpls help! Screenshot attached. Pls note: My JWT token generation is working fine for other API endpoints but only for the above API its not working. Also I am unable to generate JWT sepcifically for the above API even after providing versionId, ProjectId,CycleID correctly. I need resolution on this urgently.377Views0likes1CommentZephyr SQUAP Rest API to expoert execution not exporting csv in correct format
Hi, I am using Zephyr Squad REST API to export test cycle with all test & steps. I tried with both Rest API endpoints to extract the file & I am able to extract the csv Issue is that csv extracted using these end points is getting distorted as shown in SS below. After Priority Column, there is "Executed By" for which value is appearing in Date format which is obviously not correct and also a new line is inserted in csv after priority field. This is how it looks like in Excel:85Views0likes0Comments