Problems with TestComplete 15 and Chrome 113
Test Complete Version: x64 Chrome Version:113.0.5672.63 Hello, we are having problems running tests after updating Chrome from 112.0.5615.138 to 113.0.5672.63. No more elements are detected in the test and the following error is logged: The window with the handle 0x000000 does not exist. Also no new elements can be mapped in the NameMapping. These are not recognized. The TestExtension in Chrome seems to work, because the test can navigate via URL in the browser. An update to the latest TestComplete version and also a reinstallation of the TestExtension plugin did not solve the problem. Is there any known incompatibility between TestComplete and Chrome 113? Best regards4.1KViews6likes37CommentsTypeError: Sys.WaitBrowser is not a function - Caused by DIsabled Extension
I had something odd happen, and I was able to resolve it, but I am not sure why it occurred. So, I thought I would share it with others who may run across the same issue, since I was not able to find any information in the forums. I restarted my computer, after fully closing out of TestComplete. After I opening TestComplete and my Project file, when I ran a test I had run earlier I got a "TypeError: Sys.WaitBrowser is not a function" dialog as shown here: This particular function has not been changed in years, so it was puzzling why it suddenly stopped working and would not identify my open browser window. Turns out, somehow in the restart of TestComplete or my computer that the Web Module was disabled. After an hour of wasted time, I finally figured out that was the issue. To resolve, go to File --> Install Extensions --> Enable the Web module... This occurred in Version: x64635Views4likes2CommentsTestComplete v15.56 software saving string variables with Base64 encoding
Hi, I've had a few reports from our testers, about persistent variables in the .mds file being saved as what appears to be a Base64 encoded string, in our case it affects our test process currently, as we're expecting them as plain text/we're not decoding Base64, we run the tests in Azure DevOps via the Visual Studio test task. I've determined this appears to have been a change in v15.56 as I wasn't able to replicate the same behaviour in v15.55, though I'm waiting for one of the testers to confirm the same results (to rule out any extension issues). The change/behaviour I've described above is not listed in the release notes though - Can it be clarified if this is an intended change or a bug? If it is an intended change is there anyway we can override this so string variables are saved as plain text in the .mds file? Whether that's via a program/GUI setting or a bit of code/scripting? Thanks447Views3likes4CommentsAzure Pipeline - Visual Studio Test - Test execute fails to run (but was working yesterday)
Well, another day another question.😄 Yesterday my build was working fine and my tests were passing on a given project. Today it seems like myVisual StudioTest suddenly fails with the following message: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe" D:\agent\_work\24\s\Src\XXX.UITests_TC\XXX.UITests_TC.pjs /logger:trx "/TestAdapterPath:\"D:\agent\_work\24\s\"" Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 17.6.0 (x64) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting test execution, please wait... A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern. Failed to get a list of tests from the "D:\agent\_work\24\s\Src\XXX.UITests_TC\XXX.UITests_TC.pjs" file due to the following error: Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided. No test is available in D:\agent\_work\24\s\Src\XXX.UITests_TC\XXX.UITests_TC.pjs. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. No changes were made to my project and no change to the pipeline itself. It is a bit strange. I tried running testexecute directly on the machine in question and it is running fine. I was wondering if anyone got this issue and could point me in the right direction. I find the logs to be not very verbose, i don't even see how TestExecute is called... 😕2KViews3likes15CommentsTestComplete Test Adapter (v15.53.9) issues running tests in DevOps
Hi, We're currently seeing issues running our tests via TestExecute, we believe this is being caused/coincided with the update to the TestComplete test adapter yesterday as our tests were completely fine on the evening of the 25th July, we run tests daily, with tests on the 26th July failing after the new version of the test adapter was released. I've listed a snippet of the build log as below; "2023-07-27T08:49:29.7207073Z##[error]Failedtogetalistoftestsfromthe"C:\a\r1\a\<REPONAMERemoved>\<FileName>.pjs"fileduetothefollowingerror:Cannotstartprocessbecauseafilenamehasnotbeenprovided. 2023-07-27T08:49:29.7214527ZNotestmatchesthegiventestcasefilter`Group=InstallationAndLicencing`inC:\a\r1\a\<REPONAMERemoved>\<FileName>.pjs 2023-07-27T08:49:29.7950327ZResultsFile:C:\a\_temp\TestResults\AzDevOps_UIMCUKP0002RD_2023-07-27_08_49_29.trx 2023-07-27T08:49:29.8173580Z##[error]TestRunFailed." In an attempt to rule out any issues our side, we've updated to the latest version of TestExecute that we can download, v15.53.2 and installed this on the VM image that gets installed on our VMSS, but not change. Is there some other modification we're required to do? Or is there an issue within the test adapter within DevOps - ThanksSolved9.1KViews3likes42CommentsClickitem not working since update to 15.51.4
Since upgrading test complete to 15.51.4 the clickitem action to select options from drop downs is no longer working correctly and is selecting a different value to the one specified in the test. To check its not just how I have created the action I have also recorded the steps and in the test it shows the correct value that I selected but then when you run it you get the tool selecting the wrong option again so testcomplete is obviously having issues with the indexing for the drop downs. To make sure its not our site I have also tried other sites and get the same problem. Has anyone experienced the same issue and know when its likely to be resolved? I raised a support ticket 7 days ago and have had no response at all!!1.2KViews3likes12CommentsSelecting item from drop down list
It seems like some behavior changed when selecting something from a drop down list. The test slowly scrolls through the entire list until it arrives upon the item to select. It definitely didn't use to do this. Was this changed in a recent version? Is there any faster/better way to do this?547Views2likes4CommentsChrome updated, now TC can't find browser
My test won't navigate to the webpage it just says "Waiting for Sys.Browser("chrome")" Anyone else have this problem? Yesterday it worked fine, Today it is broken. Chrome is open on my second screen, and if it wasn't it should open the browser.Solved7.3KViews2likes11CommentsRunning tests by tag name in specific order
Hello, I will be running my suite of tests in a CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins) but I realized from the documentation that running tests by tag name (following the CLI commands) does not guarantee the tests will be run in a certain order. (Note:The tests that match the specified tag will be run in an arbitrary order.) While trying to find a workaround to this inconvenience, I realized that it does indeed follow a specific order. The order is given by how the test files are sorted in the file script.tcscript. So, for whoever needs to run their tests using tag names, and also wants to run a "pre-step test" or something like that, all you have to do is open that file on any text editor, and move the row where your test file is, up to the place first place, or at whichever place you want it to be executed. Example: # Assuming all tests have the tag "@Smoke" <folder name="MaiGroup"> <folder name="Group1"> <child name="TestMethod1" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File1.js" /> <child name="TestMethod2" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File2.js" /> <child name="TestMethod3" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File3.js" /> </folder> </folder> # Test run for the @Smoke tag will look like: TestMethod1 TestMethod2 TestMethod3 ----------------------------------------------------------- # Now, if we want to run TestMethod3 first, all we have to do is open the script.tcscript file and move the TestMethod3 to the first place: <folder name="MaiGroup"> <folder name="Group1"> <child name="TestMethod3" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File3.js" /> <child name="TestMethod1" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File1.js" /> <child name="TestMethod2" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File2.js" /> </folder> </folder> # And now, the test run for the @Smoke tag will look like: TestMethod3 TestMethod1 TestMethod2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps someone, and maybe the TestComplete team can now update the documentation. Regards.594Views2likes1Comment