TestComplete Test Adapter (v15.53.9) issues running tests in DevOps
Hi, We're currently seeing issues running our tests via TestExecute, we believe this is being caused/coincided with the update to the TestComplete test adapter yesterday as our tests were completely fine on the evening of the 25th July, we run tests daily, with tests on the 26th July failing after the new version of the test adapter was released. I've listed a snippet of the build log as below; "2023-07-27T08:49:29.7207073Z##[error]Failedtogetalistoftestsfromthe"C:\a\r1\a\<REPONAMERemoved>\<FileName>.pjs"fileduetothefollowingerror:Cannotstartprocessbecauseafilenamehasnotbeenprovided. 2023-07-27T08:49:29.7214527ZNotestmatchesthegiventestcasefilter`Group=InstallationAndLicencing`inC:\a\r1\a\<REPONAMERemoved>\<FileName>.pjs 2023-07-27T08:49:29.7950327ZResultsFile:C:\a\_temp\TestResults\AzDevOps_UIMCUKP0002RD_2023-07-27_08_49_29.trx 2023-07-27T08:49:29.8173580Z##[error]TestRunFailed." In an attempt to rule out any issues our side, we've updated to the latest version of TestExecute that we can download, v15.53.2 and installed this on the VM image that gets installed on our VMSS, but not change. Is there some other modification we're required to do? Or is there an issue within the test adapter within DevOps -https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SmartBearSoftware.install-testcomplete-adapter-task&ssr=false#overview ThanksSolved9.1KViews3likes42CommentsChrome updated, now TC can't find browser
My test won't navigate to the webpage it just says "Waiting for Sys.Browser("chrome")" Anyone else have this problem? Yesterday it worked fine, Today it is broken. Chrome is open on my second screen, and if it wasn't it should open the browser.Solved7.3KViews2likes11Commentsjenkins pipeline catch the exit code 0
Hello, I need you're help, i am using Testcomplete 15 and TestExecute 15 with jenkins With jenkins pipeline def RunTest(String TestInfos) { try { testcompletetest actionOnErrors: 'MAKE_FAILED', actionOnWarnings: 'MAKE_UNSTABLE', credentialsId: 'VEGA-TEST', executorType: 'TE', launchType: 'lcItem', project: 'Macro_Standard_Beta', sessionScreenResolution: '1920x1080', suite: 'Alocpro\\Alocpro.pjs', useTCService: true, test: "$TestInfos" stageResult = 'SUCCESS' echo "< Build SUCESS >" } catch (Exception e) { catchError(stageResult: 'FAILURE') { sh "exit 1" } echo "< Build Failed >" } } pipeline { agent { label 'Srv-Test01' } options { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') } stages { stage('Reset BDD Beta') { steps { script{ RunTest('Beta_02_Reset_BDD') } } } stage('CartesCarburant') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_01_CartesCarburant1') } } stage('Contentieux') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_02_Contentieux') } } stage('Contraintes') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_03_Contraintes') } } /* stage('CRM') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_04_CRM') } } stage('EtatStatistique') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_05_1_EtatStatistique') } }*/ stage('Financement') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_06_Financement') } } stage('Comptabilite') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_07_0_Comptabilite') } } stage('Assurance') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_08_Assurance') } } stage('GestionDesPetroliers') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_09_GestionDesPetroliers') } } stage('Prestation') { steps { RunTest('Avancee1|Beta_2_10_Prestation') } } } post { failure { emailext body: '''$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS : \n $BUILD_LOG maxLines=8000, escapeHtml=true \n \n Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results.''', recipientProviders: [brokenBuildSuspects()], from: '##', subject: 'Build failed in jenkins : $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!', to: '##', attachLog: true } unstable { emailext body: '''Build unstable - $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS : unstable\n $BUILD_LOG maxLines=8000, escapeHtml=true \n \n Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results.''', recipientProviders: [brokenBuildSuspects()], from: '##', subject: 'Build instable in jenkins : $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!', to: '##', attachLog: true } fixed { emailext body: '''$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS : Back to normal !\n Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results.''', recipientProviders: [brokenBuildSuspects()], from: '##', subject: 'Build back to normal : $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!', to: '##' } } } The jenkinspipeline works, but in my jenkins view i dont have my stage in red when it failed. What i would like to do is to catch the exit code =! 0 and setstageResult = 'FAILURE' But the other stages needs to continue even if one of them failed there are independent I have triedcatchError steps but this is not really what i want. In this exemple the try catch does nothing even if a test crashed because of the exit code which seems not to be handled in jenkins this way The error i did in this scenario is in purpose to test the exitcode I have linked a log of the lastest execution i did >logs jenkins.txt Is there a way to catch the exitcode in jenkins? Thanks6.3KViews0likes0CommentsClickItem select another Option
Hi all, in a script test I'm trying to select a Select Option with the ClickItem function but TestComplete select the Option that is ten positions above the desired one. The script portion is: selectElement.scrollIntoView(); selectElement.clickItem(elementName); The HTML code is <select _ngcontent-yqp-c115="" class="form-select form-select-sm select-dark ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" id="id-3"> ... <option _ngcontent-yqp-c115="" id="idOpt-3-24" value="16: 24"> <span _ngcontent-yqp-c115="" class="select-option-dark"> Bahamas </span> </option> ... <option _ngcontent-yqp-c115="" id="idOpt-3-34" value="26: 34"> <span _ngcontent-yqp-c115="" class="select-option-dark"> Bolivia </span> </option> ... </select> During the test execution the mouse pointer correctly select the Option desired but when the panel of the select is closed the item selected result the wrong item. I do this two times in a script on two long Select and I have the same behaviour. Why does this happen? Thanks LorenzoSolved5.3KViews0likes11CommentsTrying to call the FindChild method or property of an object but it does not exist
Hello, can someone help debug the following script, I cannot figure it out why it's failing being I am new to TC. I included the screenshot of the properties from the Spy captured,I am sure the page ID is correct according to the spy screen. function DragCard() { // Find the first column element var column1 = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("https://rdx-dev.rdxhub.com/workspace/patient-board").FindChild("idStr", "chk-drop-list-0", 10); // Find the card element in the first column with the desired text content var cardToMove = column1.FindChild("contentText", "Test Patient455", 10); // Find the second column element var column2 = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("https://rdx-dev.rdxhub.com/workspace/patient-board").FindChild("idStr", "chk-drop-list-2", 10); // Drag the card to the second column cardToMove.Drag(column2); }Solved5KViews0likes12CommentsHow to read a JSON file
Hi experts, I wanted to read and work with JSON files. Is there best ways to read JSON files using TestComplete? I wanted to trigger the script to fetch the JSON file and do curtains operation by fetching the data from it. Plz suggest best ways to do so. TIASolved4.2KViews0likes8CommentsProblems with TestComplete 15 and Chrome 113
Test Complete Version: x64 Chrome Version:113.0.5672.63 Hello, we are having problems running tests after updating Chrome from 112.0.5615.138 to 113.0.5672.63. No more elements are detected in the test and the following error is logged: The window with the handle 0x000000 does not exist. Also no new elements can be mapped in the NameMapping. These are not recognized. The TestExtension in Chrome seems to work, because the test can navigate via URL in the browser. An update to the latest TestComplete version and also a reinstallation of the TestExtension plugin did not solve the problem. Is there any known incompatibility between TestComplete and Chrome 113? Best regards4KViews6likes37CommentsThe current row position is already beyond the table
Hi all, im ecountering a very weird error when im running my execution plan. I have a test that will return this error : The current row position is already beyond the table The error is returned at the very end of my keyword test and the last script executed seems to have run successfully. I have also added a log to ensure that it is the case and that no errors occurred during the script. If i run the test alone it works fine and without any errors. This occurs only if i run my whole execution plan. The next test also works fine. Not too sure what could be the cause of this error... 😕Solved3.8KViews1like8CommentsSend Test Results to Azure DevOps W/O pipeline setup?
Hello all, Is it possible to link TestComplete Test Cases to Azure DevOps without the Test Adapter and pipeline integration? In other words, I want to run the tests from TestComplete or TestExecute with the Execution Plan instead of running them as part of the build pipeline and link the test results to Azure DevOps for review by others? If I try to link a test case via the Execution Plan I am unable to log into my DevOps repository, This could be the only issue I need to resolve. If the Test Adapter is required and this can only be done via an Azure DevOps pipeline build process I will need to wait until we have other items worked out and in placed. Thanks everyone, Scott H.Solved3.8KViews0likes24CommentsIssue sending Environment variable to TestComplete via Azure pipeline using command-line Parameters
Hi there, I'm trying to create an Azure pipeline to send project Environment variable called environment to Test complete to change the testedApp based on the environment variable set in the pipeline. I've followed the instructions onPass Environment Variables to TestComplete Tests | TestComplete Documentation (smartbear.com) But, it doesn't seem to work. Is there any other setting that needs to be done?Solved3.6KViews0likes6Comments