Forum Discussion

TimeCop1983's avatar
2 years ago

LoadNinja version 3.677

Dear LoadNinja users,

We are pleased to announce the release of LoadNinja version 3.677! Here are the highlights of this release:

Bugs Fixes:

  • Fixed average gross and net duration times displayed in load test results.
  • Fixed the issue in the admin tab that caused the available load test time to be cleared when changing the on-demand renewal date.
  • Fixed the incorrect order of steps in the "Network Analytics" tab in load test results.
  • Playback Recorder crashes have been addressed.

Features and Enhancements:

  • We've added a link to the error documentation in the error tab of the report. This will help users quickly access the relevant documentation and troubleshoot issues more efficiently.

In addition to these improvements, we've also made additional technical improvements, tweaks, and code maintenance to enhance the overall performance and stability of LoadNinja.


We hope you enjoy using LoadNinja version 3.677 and that it helps you create even better performance tests. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.


Best regards,
The LoadNinja Team

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