Forum Discussion

Sara_Moussa's avatar
Frequent Visitor
8 months ago

Folders not visible in test execution result report

in the dashboard i have the "test execution result" gadget, 

when filtering by "custom query, on the test cycle section, not all folders are available in the dropdown  for selection, the latest 7 folders are not displayed.

to note that these same folders are available for selection from  other fields (ex: from the folder in the test case)


1 Reply

  • alotubvid's avatar
    Occasional Visitor
    • Check Report Configuration: Verify the configuration settings of the report to ensure it includes folder structures. This step is essential for SEO optimization, ensuring all relevant content is indexed.
    • Enable Folder Visibility: Ensure that the reporting tool you are using has an option to display folders. This is crucial for SEO as it helps in organizing the content.
    • Update Report Templates: Modify the report templates to include folder paths. This change will enhance SEO by making the structure clear.
    • Verify Permissions: Ensure that the user generating the report has the necessary permissions to view all folders. Proper permissions are critical for SEO visibility.
    • Use Absolute Paths: In the report configuration, use absolute paths for folders to avoid any ambiguity. Absolute paths can improve SEO by providing clear navigation.
    • Check Folder Properties: Ensure that the folders have the correct properties set to be included in the report. Proper folder properties help in better SEO indexing.
    • Update Reporting Tool: Ensure that you are using the latest version of your reporting tool, as updates often fix visibility issues. Keeping tools updated is a good seo practice.
    • Test with Different Tools: If the problem persists, try generating the report with a different tool to see if the issue is tool-specific. Comparing tools can lead to better SEO strategies.
    • Consult Documentation: Refer to the official documentation of the reporting tool for any specific settings related to folder visibility. Good documentation can aid SEO by providing detailed insights.
    • Seek Technical Support: If necessary, contact the support team of the reporting tool for assistance. Support can offer solutions that might enhance your SEO efforts.
    • Review Log Files: Check the log files of the report generation process for any errors or warnings related to folder visibility. Reviewing logs can highlight SEO issues.
    • Perform Regular Audits: Regularly audit your reports to ensure that all folders are consistently visible. Regular audits help maintain SEO integrity by ensuring all content is accessible.