Forum Discussion

Mis3's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

A pop-up window called Information to display file name of log file

Finished up my Groovy script, I like to add a line to indicate the end of execution in both and external log file (I called it report in my script).

So, I added these lines: "End"
log_date = new Date()
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
list = "\n"+ sdf.format(log_date)+" End"
report << list


When I execute the script, a new window of information would pop up at the end to indicate the report filename.  Please refer the screenshot below.

How do I get rid of this pop-up?  The End line to indicate the end of execution is suffice.




  • Add "return" as last line in the script.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Add "return" as last line in the script.
    • Mis3's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Yes, it works just by adding return as the last line.   Thanks.