Forum Discussion

dshookowsky's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

MockService out of heap memory when deployed as War

I created a mock service that reads large XML files, replaces a ${content} token and sends a response.  Each file is about 6mb.


I increased my heap size in SoapUI and it works fine in there.  Memory increases until the heap max, but it continues to run without error.


If I deploy the same mock service as a war and run it in Tomcat with catalina_opts set to double the heap size, it quickly runs out of memory.  


I have already removed all statements from the script.  How can I fix the memory leak?


I can't send the entire script at the moment, but the meat of it reads a value from the request and then finds a file with that name:



def projectPath = new File(mockOperation.mockService.project.path).parent
def fileName = projectPath + "${File.separator}dataFiles${File.separator}${requestValue}.xml"
def file = new File(fileName)

if (file.exists()) {
    context.content = file.text
    return "FromFile"
} else {
  return "Empty"


  • Answering my own question.  Analysis of the problem shows that property expansion is causing a memory leak.  I modified the mockService moving the code from the mockOperations to the OnRequestStart event.


    Instead of using property expansion with context.content = file.text, I did the following to return the file contents:


    def result = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockResult(mockRequest)
    def file = new File(fileName)
    mockRequest.httpResponse.writer << file.text
    mockRequest.httpResponse.status = 200
    return result
  • dshookowsky's avatar
    New Contributor

    More info - The specific error message is:


    ERROR [errorlog java.lang.OutOfMemoryError; Java heap space at java .util.Arrays.copyOfRange (



  • dshookowsky's avatar
    New Contributor

    Is it possible to return a file from disk without reading its contents and replacing a ${content} string?


    It appears that copying the string to the output is leaking memory on every request.

  • dshookowsky's avatar
    New Contributor

    Answering my own question.  Analysis of the problem shows that property expansion is causing a memory leak.  I modified the mockService moving the code from the mockOperations to the OnRequestStart event.


    Instead of using property expansion with context.content = file.text, I did the following to return the file contents:


    def result = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockResult(mockRequest)
    def file = new File(fileName)
    mockRequest.httpResponse.writer << file.text
    mockRequest.httpResponse.status = 200
    return result