Forum Discussion

tamilsmani's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

SOAP-UI "Pretty Print Project Files"

HI ,

I am using SOAP-UI for testing rest services. We have 5 people working on SOAP-UI (Not SOAP-UI Pro Version) tool and want to have merge their changes and commit into version control.

I have come across Googling that you can use "Pretty Print Project Files" checkbox ticked on WSDL setting on the preference window. But I don't have an idea after what step to be followd to sync each developer test case changes (merge the test cases).

Could you some one help me in how to do merge or sync each develper test case chagnes and commits into version control?

  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    "pretty print project files" settings: ... ences.html

    when this option is unchecked, the whole project configuration is in a compact form ie all config is stored in the xml file on 1 single line, so displaying diff is not very friendly and changes are hard to track
    When this option is checked, data are on several lines so displaying diff is better because it easier to see where changes occur.

    so, about your question
    * all developers/testers must configured Soapui to used the "pretty print project files" feature (ie everybody checks the option)
    * be sure to commit the project file when it is prettyfied
    * then tracking changes is easier

    Note: for pro user, project can be defined as "composite project". In this case, this is even easier to check modifications and manage diffs, as every piece of testsuite/testcase is stored in a single file (see ... pport.html)