.pjs/ .mds into .exe
Does .pjs or .mds converted to .exe / .bin file.
Use Case : convert project folder(with Project files->.mds, .pjs, KeywordTests, Log, NameMapping, Script) into .exe file for executing in Windows system.
Based on my analysis. this exception would be thrown when your server has self signed certificate and when accessing SSL enabled connections (HTTPS, LDAPS etc.,) . To solve this should add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates (cacerts) of your JVM.
Here is the links for workarounds,
How to fetch certificate - http://magicmonster.com/kb/prg/java/ssl/pkix_path_building_failed.html
How to add the certificate to CACERTS of JVM - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6908948/java-sun-security-provider-certpath-suncertpathbuilderexception-unable-to-find
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