Video recording of Text Execution
Hello to everyone! I installed the VideoRecorder Extension and the last version of VLC Media Player. When I try to record a test execution in the log tab the following sentence appears: "Unable to start video recording. The VLC recorder is not installed." Why does this message appear? I uninstalled and installed again VLC but it continues to appear. How could I solve this problem? Thanks in advance to everyoneSolved1.1KViews0likes8CommentsHow to get the data in the summary report into variable
I am working on creating a table with all the data available in the Junit summary report I want to check here to see if there is any Test complete inbuilt variables that has these values available. I am looking for execution data such as Run test cases, Passed test cases & Failed test cases. i am using below command to generate & export Test results summary in Junit format Log.SaveResultsAs("C:\\Work\\Log\\Log.xml", lsJUnit) sample Junit report -> <testsuites name="CommonAutomationFramework" tests="2" failures="2" errors="0" time="17" > <testsuite name="CommonAutomationFramework-UI" tests="2" failures="2" errors="0" hostname="xxxxxxxx" time="17" timestamp="2024-08-15T09:34:22.088-07:00">30Views0likes2CommentsFailed step is not specified
Hi, When I have a keyword test (A) in which another keyword test (B) is executed multiple times and keyword test A fails because keyword test B failed, then it is not possible to see which instance of keyword test B failed. Example: Keyword test A (check values in employee file) Step 1: Open employee file Step 2: Press button 1 Step 3: run keyword test B "Check all values" Step 4: Press button 2 Step 5: run keyword test B "Check all values" Step 6: Press button 3 Step 7: run keyword test B "Check all values" Step 8: Close employee file If the run of Keyword test A fails, because in step 5 keyword test B failed the keyword test log of keyword test B shows that the failed step is in keyword test B, but not in which instance (step 3, 5 or 7). It would be better if steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 where indicated as succeeded and step 5 as failed. Am I overlooking something?25Views0likes3CommentsWarning messages in the test run log for improve performance
Hello, Recently I have updated all my nameMapping to use unique identifiers in the XPath and deleted all others that TC saved when recorded. So tipically I have only one selector for each object or element. When I ran the test it gave me the following warning almost for all the objects. You can improve the performance of the object search in the test. The NameMapping.Sys.browser.pageAuth.login_SignIn_Btn object can be found faster if you make //input[@type="submit"] the first selector in its selector list. And in the nameMapping for this object I see only one selector as I mentioned above. Still not sure why its throwing warning messages. Even when I click on Improve performance button in the log it just added an Empty selector, and even with that when I rerun the test it gave same message. One another thing is that the Extended Find column doesn't have any checkboxes. Is there something I missed in the settings or somewhere else TIA559Views1like3CommentsTC15 Log Details shows # of tests with warnings/errors, not TC14's # of warnings/errors
I had been running TestComplete 14.0.315.7 x86 (2019) When my tests complete, the details showed: # Total errors in the tests # Total warnings in the tests Start Time End Time Run Time Now I am on x64 (2024) When my tests complete, results have two tabs, Summary and Log Details Summary shows the number of tests: Run, Failed, Warning, Passed, Unexecuted Log Details shows mostly what I used to have on TC14 -- but no total # errors or warnings! Those numbers help me make sure that I have found all errors and warnings, but TC has now taken that away from me. How can I get that back? And why in TC15 is "Execution Plan" now on a separate tab from Variables/Properties/Issue-Tracking Templates? And where is the "Logs" tab that I used to have?27Views0likes3CommentsIgnore Log error on .exe process crashed
Hi all, I had a question about ignoring certain error logs. I know you can do this without a problem for real error logs. But for the ones where it says 'the ....exe process crashed' are impossible to ignore so it seems... Does anyone know a way to leave this error out of the loggings? It is some kind of refresh error on the program we are testing but impossible to solve this for our external party it seems. It is not affecting anything else except for our automatic tests, so I would like to leave these error messages out of the logging file to get a decent result instead of every test always being failed. Any help would be nice! (I already tried the onlog events but the process crashes don't appear here.) Thanks!626Views0likes5CommentsAnti-aliasing issues on desktop applications messing with visual testing
Hey, I'm having an issue with intermittent pixel issues on the edges of sections of lines. From the way the pixel changes manifest and the fact that they are almost unnoticeable to the naked eye they are due to anti-aliasing. I have turned off all the anti-aliasing setting I can find, but it still happens 9/10 times. has anyone come across this? if so have you been able to sort it without using tolerance? This is a WPF app being run on a physical windows machine.235Views0likes4Comments