Forum Discussion

coreyallen's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Attempting to create a simple Excel Checkpoint

Hello there,

Our app can export data into an excel file and I need to verify the data in 50 or so generated files.  I'm looking for a simple way toto create a checkpoint to verify the data in the Excel file and move on to the next one.

I've read up on ways to access data but it seems very complicated for what I'm tryig to do.  

Is there some way using keyword actions to verfiy the data?

4 Replies

  • coreyallen's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Tanya,

    So this will only work with a script and doesn't create a keyword action?
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Corey,


    The main comparison algorithm is implemented in the script extension attached to that article. So, you can call this script extension either from script or from a keyword test. 


  • Hi The code which I am providing here reads the excel files in 2 folders and compares one with the other. The only catch here is the file name of both the files in the 2 different folders should be the same ,but with a different prefix. For example 




    function CompareExcelFilesInDirectories(ExpectedDirPath:string,ActualDirPath:string,ExpFilePrefix:string,ActFilePrefix:string); var MissingExpFiles,MissingActFiles,filesFailed,filesPassed,ExpectedFileName,ActualFileName:string; CompareFilesDict,ky:OleVariant; filesPassedMsg,filesFailedMsg:string; ExpSheet,ActSheet:string; i,j:integer; begin try try CompareFilesDict := Sys.OleObject['Scripting.Dictionary']; MapDirectoryFiles(MissingExpFiles,MissingActFiles,CompareFilesDict,ExpectedDirPath+'\',ActualDirPath+'\',ExpFilePrefix,ActFilePrefix); if CompareFilesDict.Count > 0 then Log.Message('Total Files in the actual and expected folders to compare: ' + VarToStr(CompareFilesDict.Count)); ky := CompareFilesDict.Keys; for i := 0 to CompareFilesDict.Count -1 do begin try ActualFileName := ActualDirPath + '\' + ActFilePrefix+CompareFilesDict.Item(ky[i]); ExpectedFileName := ExpectedDirPath + '\' + ExpFilePrefix+CompareFilesDict.Item(ky[i]); Log.AppendFolder(' The the files : ' + ExpectedFileName + ' and '+ ActualFileName + ' are being compared'); if not CompareExcel(ExpectedFileName, ActualFileName) then begin filesFailed := CompareFilesDict.Item(ky[i]) + ',' + filesFailed; end else begin filesPassed := CompareFilesDict.Item(ky[i]) + ',' + filesPassed; end; finally Log.PopLogFolder; end; end; if TidyString(filesFailed) <> '' then begin filesFailed := RemoveLastSeparator( filesFailed,','); filesFailedMsg := ' The files whaich have failed comparision are as follows : ' + #13#10; aqString.ListSeparator := ','; for i:= 0 to aqString.GetListLength(filesFailed) -1 do begin filesFailedMsg := filesFailedMsg + ' Expected File : ' + ExpectedDirPath + '\' + ExpFilePrefix+aqString.GetListItem(filesFailed,i) +#13#10+ ' Actual File : ' + ActualDirPath + '\' + ActFilePrefix+aqString.GetListItem(filesFailed,i) + #13#10; end; end; if TidyString(filesPassed) <> '' then begin filesPassed := RemoveLastSeparator( filesPassed,','); filesPassedMsg := ' The files whaich have passed comparision are as follows : ' + #13#10; aqString.ListSeparator := ','; for i:= 0 to aqString.GetListLength(filesPassed) -1 do begin filesPassedMsg := filesPassedMsg + ' Expected File : ' + ExpectedDirPath + '\' + ExpFilePrefix+aqString.GetListItem(filesPassed,i) +#13#10+ ' Actual File : ' + ActualDirPath + '\' + ActFilePrefix+aqString.GetListItem(filesPassed,i) + #13#10; end; end; except Log.Error('Exception in CompareExcelFilesInDirectories',exceptionmessage); end; finally Log.Message('Click on addtional information for Comparision Summary : ','Comparision Summary ' +#13#10 + filesPassedMsg + #13#10 +#13#10 + filesFailedMsg+ #13#10 +#13#10 + 'Files which have been skipped comparision : ' +#13#10 + MissingExpFiles +',' + MissingActFiles ); end; end; { Summary: Compare excel files by comparing cell by cell and not using DDT } function CompareExcel(ExpectedFileName, ActualFileName, RegExpr: OleVariant = nil, CompareProperty: string = 'Text'): boolean; var excel,excelProcess, expectedFile, actualFile, expectedSheet, actualSheet, regEx: OleVariant; s, expectedStr, actualStr: string; col, row, i, j,picCount: integer; actClipBoardPic,expClipBoardPic:OleVariant; begin try result := true; //check expected file exists if not aqFile.Exists(ExpectedFileName) then begin result := false; Log.Warning('Expected file not exists.', ExpectedFileName); exit; end; //check actual file exists if not aqFile.Exists(ActualFileName) then begin result := false; Log.Error('Actual file not exists.', ActualFileName); exit; end; excelProcess := Sys.WaitProcess('Excel',5000); if excelProcess.Exists then excelProcess.Terminate; //open files excel := Sys.OleObject['Excel.Application']; expectedFile := excel.WorkBooks.Open(ExpectedFileName); actualFile := excel.WorkBooks.Open(ActualFileName); //get sheets expectedSheet := expectedFile.WorkSheets[1].UsedRange; actualSheet := actualFile.WorkSheets[1].UsedRange; //compare no of columns col := expectedSheet.Columns.Count; //will hold the highest col if expectedSheet.Columns.Count <> actualSheet.Columns.Count then begin s := 'Expected: ' + VarToStr(expectedSheet.Columns.Count) + #13#10 + 'Actual: ' + VarToStr(actualSheet.Columns.Count); Log.Error('Excel no of columns are not identical.', s); result := false; //exit; if expectedSheet.Columns.Count < actualSheet.Columns.Count then col := actualSheet.Columns.Count; end; //compare no of rows row := expectedSheet.Rows.Count; //will hold the highest row if expectedSheet.Rows.Count <> actualSheet.Rows.Count then begin s := 'Expected: ' + VarToStr(expectedSheet.Rows.Count) + #13#10 + 'Actual: ' + VarToStr(actualSheet.Rows.Count); Log.Error('Excel no of rows are not identical.', s); result := false; //exit; if expectedSheet.Rows.Count < actualSheet.Rows.Count then row := actualSheet.Rows.Count; end; if VarType(regExpr) > 3 then begin //Creates the regular expression object regEx := HISUtils.RegExpr; regEx.Expression := regExpr; end; picCount := GetMax(VarToStr(actualSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count)+','+VarToStr(expectedSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count),','); {Compare Pictures in the cells} if VarToInt(actualSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count) <> VarToInt(expectedSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count) then begin Log.Error('There might be pictures that are either missing in actual or expected sheets,click on addtional information tab for details....',' Expected Sheet picture count : '+VarToStr(expectedSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count)+#13#10 + ' Actual Sheet picture count : '+VarToStr(actualSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Count)+#13#10 ); end; {end} //compare the images if picCount > 0 then begin for i:= 1 to picCount do begin try //Sys.Clipboard := actualSheet.WorkSheet.Shapes.Item(1).DrawingObject.CopyPicture(2,-4147); //Sys.Clipboard := actualSheet.WorkSheet.DrawingObjects[i].CopyPicture(2,-4147); Sys.Clipboard := actualSheet.Worksheet.Rows[14].Columns[1].CopyPicture(1,-4147); Log.Picture(Sys.Clipboard,'Catual Picture','hello'); except end; end; end; for i := 1 to row do //for each row begin for j := 1 to col do //for each column begin expectedStr := aqString.Trim(VarToStr(Evaluate('expectedSheet.Rows[i].Columns[j].' + CompareProperty))); actualStr := aqString.Trim(VarToStr(Evaluate('actualSheet.Rows[i].Columns[j].' + CompareProperty))); if VarType(regExpr) > 3 then //apply reg expr if it is defined, vartype(nil) = 3 begin //Replaces the text matching the expression with <ignore> expectedStr := regEx.Replace(expectedStr, '<ignore>'); actualStr := regEx.Replace(actualStr, '<ignore>'); end; // If expected string is 'SUN' (the super-user for Sun4 systems) AND this is a Sun5 test, change it to 'TTT' if (expectedstr = 'SUN') then expectedstr := GetUserIDs('0'); if not Utilities.SameText(expectedStr, actualStr) then begin Log.Error('Cell [' + VarToStr(i) + ',' + VarToStr(j) + '] : Expected - ' + VarToStr(expectedStr) + ' | Actual - ' + VarToStr(actualStr)); result := false; //exit; end; end; end; if result then Log.Message('Files are identical,click on Addtional Information tab for details... ',' Expected File : ' + #13#10 + ExpectedFileName + #13#10 + 'Actual File : '+#13#10+ ActualFileName) else Log.Error('Files are not identical,click on Addtional Information tab for details... ',' Expected File : ' + #13#10 + ExpectedFileName + #13#10 + 'Actual File : '+#13#10+ ActualFileName); finally //close files expectedFile.Close; actualFile.Close; end; end; function MapDirectoryFiles(var MissingExpFiles:string;var MissingActFiles:string;var CompareFilesDict;ExpectedDirPath:string,ActualDirPath:string,ExpFilePrefix:string,ActFilePrefix:string); var i,j,cnt,unmatchAt,recCnt:integer; dir,actFile,expFile,actUnmatchAt,expUnmatchAt,filesAdded:string; commonExp,commonAct:string; actFolder,expFolder, expFileCol,actFileCol:oleVariant; begin try actFolder := aqFileSystem.GetFolderInfo(ActualDirPath); actFileCol := actFolder.Files; expFolder := aqFileSystem.GetFolderInfo(ExpectedDirPath); expFileCol := expFolder.Files; if actFileCol.Count <> expFileCol.Count then Log.Warning('The total number of expected file count is not equal to actual file count,click on addtional information tab for details... ','Expected File Directory Path '+#13#10+ ExpectedDirPath + #13#10 + 'Expected Dir File Count ' + VarToStr(expFileCol.Count) + #13#10 + 'Actual File Directory Path '+#13#10+ ActualDirPath + #13#10 + 'Actual Dir File Count ' + VarToStr(actFileCol.Count) + #13#10 ); if expFileCol.Count > actFileCol.Count then cnt := expFileCol.Count else cnt := actFileCol.Count; {Get all the files that are present in exp dir but not in actual dir} recCnt := 0; for i := 0 to expFileCol.Count-1 do begin expFile := expFileCol.Item[i]; if not aqFileSystem.Exists(ActualDirPath + ActFilePrefix+StripFilePrefix(expFile.Name,ExpFilePrefix)) then begin MissingActFiles := expFile.Name+ ','+MissingActFiles; //Log.Message('MissingActFiles ' + MissingActFiles); end else begin commonAct := StripFilePrefix(expFile.Name,ExpFilePrefix) + ',' + commonAct; end; end; MissingActFiles := RemoveLastSeparator( MissingActFiles,','); //Log.Message(' Files which are present in Expected Directory but not in Actual Directory : ' + MissingActFiles); commonAct := RemoveLastSeparator( commonAct,','); //Log.Message('Common Files in Actual folder : ' + commonAct); {Get all the files that are present in act dir but not in exp dir} for i := 0 to actFileCol.Count-1 do begin actFile := actFileCol.Item[i]; if not aqFileSystem.Exists(ExpectedDirPath + ExpFilePrefix+StripFilePrefix(actFile.Name,ActFilePrefix)) then begin MissingExpFiles := actFile.Name+ ','+MissingExpFiles; //Log.Message('MissingExpFiles ' + MissingExpFiles); end else begin commonExp := StripFilePrefix(actFile.Name,ActFilePrefix) + ',' + commonExp; end; end; MissingExpFiles := RemoveLastSeparator( MissingExpFiles,','); //Log.Message(' Files which are present in Actual Directory but not in Expected Directory : ' + MissingExpFiles); commonExp := RemoveLastSeparator( commonExp,','); //Log.Message('Common Files in Expected folder : ' + commonExp); if aqstring.Trim(commonAct) = aqstring.Trim(commonExp) then begin aqString.ListSeparator := ','; for j := 0 to aqString.GetListLength(commonExp) -1 do begin CompareFilesDict.Add('Key'+VarToStr(j),aqString.GetListItem(commonExp,j)); end; end; except Log.Error('Error',exceptionmessage); end; end;