Forum Discussion

sandysang's avatar
12 months ago

can not find project




I am very strange that I can not find project now ,but under the folder , still have all scripts and how can i recover it ?

  • Yes, it can be done. I suggest you make a copy of your entire project first!


    Also, when developing a medium - large projects, it's best to use a file repository system.

3 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    It can not find Apple_Test.mds file. Search your entire hard drive for that file; check recycling bin too. If you can't find it, you won't be able to recover it.

    • sandysang's avatar

      I will find that, I don't do any remove action , it is strange , my all scirpts is stll here, if can not find, may I create new project, then import all script and keywords ?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Yes, it can be done. I suggest you make a copy of your entire project first!


    Also, when developing a medium - large projects, it's best to use a file repository system.