Forum Discussion

danhoeger's avatar
New Contributor
3 days ago

dotNET.System_IO doesn't exist anymore?

I just upgraded TestComplete to and now when I try to run my application I'm getting the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'Path' of undefined    8:00:36    Normal            5.22

 The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);

so Basically "System_IO" is undefined.

anyone know what happened here?

8 Replies

  • danhoeger's avatar
    New Contributor

    it sure would be nice if there was a way to roll-back an update or even be able to install an older version.  (I can't even find where to install the current version of Test complete right now)  I used to install it from the link from the Licensing site but now that we are on the user based licensing I can't figure out where the download link has been moved to or even if I can downlod an older build to see if this fixes my issue.  I'm having to use another machine that I told it to skip the update.

    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      danhoeger wrote:

      I can't even find where to install the current version of Test complete right now

      Downloads are Installer can be downloaded from either:

      -- old Customer Portal (; or

      -- new (expand to some license node and there will be Download icon):


      • danhoeger's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thanks.  looks like I will have to revert back to 15.64.3.

    • danhoeger's avatar
      New Contributor

      FYI - I opened a support ticket but haven't gotten a response yet that's been hours ago and I'm basically blocked right now not able to use TestComplete for any of my tests.

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Try the following links - replace the name and number with the version that you require.


  • We are having the same problem. Is there a fix for this available?  

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    danhoeger wrote:

    The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);

    If Combine_3() is the only method that you have problem with, then it can be replaced with the call to aqString.Format() (and I would expect better performance and less dependency from .Net):

    Log.SaveResultAs(aqString.Format("%s\\%s\\%s\\.mht", ProjectSuite.Path, "MHT_FILES", TestCaseName), lsMHT);