Forum Discussion

cst99003's avatar
6 years ago

How do I enable SSL in TestComplete

I am trying to enable SSL in TestComplete but I am stuck.


Note: We are not using ReadyAPI nor are we using SOAPUI for generating our tests.  Although I do have both working with SSL enabled.  The direction of our development is through TestComplete and we are not using the ReadyAPI or Webservices module within TC.


I am able to set up the aqHTTP authentication on each service but I am stuck and how to use and get access to the local Certificate.


Suggestions or comments?


5 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Can you describe your use case?

    TestComplete does not use SSL in any way, thus there is no way to enable or disable it in TC itself.

    aqHTTPRequest object can be used to issue both http and https requests, but it is required that all underlying infrastructure is set up properly (valid certificates are installed, proxy is configured, etc.).


    • cst99003's avatar


      Thank you for responding


      OK.  Here is the code where the Authentication happens within the Header but I believe I need help with a different layer and that is trying to figure out how to get the certificate to be read.

      Here is the TC ERROR "An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate."


      How do I install the certificate and do I need a proxy?  The certificate is currently just sitting on my C: drive


      What do you mean by setting up the infrastructure?  Is this adding something to the default browser or possibly in TC itself?





      RequestType = aqString.ToUpper(WebServiceData["ServiceType"]);

      // Create an aqHttpRequest object

      var aqHttpRequest = !equal(WebServiceData["UserName"],undefined) ? aqHttp.CreateRequest(RequestType, WebServiceData["Address"], WebServiceData["UserName"], WebServiceData["Password"]) : aqHttp.CreateRequest(RequestType, WebServiceData["Address"]);  

      // Specify the Content-Type header value

      aqHttpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/" + aqString.ToLower(ContentType));

      aqHttpRequest.SetHeader("Accept", "application/" + aqString.ToLower(ContentType));

      //Added for Authentication

      var credentials = aqConvert.VarToStr(dotNET.System.Convert.ToBase64String

      (dotNET.System_Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes_2(Project.Variables.SSL_Login + ":" + Project.Variables.SSL_Password)));

      aqHttpRequest = aqHttp.CreateGetRequest(WebServiceData["Address"]);

      aqHttpRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + credentials);

      aqHttpRequest.SetHeader("X-Request-Id", "Andrew");

      // Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object

      var aqHttpResponse = (equal(RequestData,"")) ? aqHttpRequest.Send() : aqHttpRequest.Send(RequestData);


      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > How do I install the certificate [...]?

        Well... To my knowledge, it depends on the application that uses it. Regular Windows applications usually require certificate to be installed into the system or user storage and used from there. Jave applications store certificates in the file. So I would recommend to check this with your developers.


        > aqHttpRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + credentials);

        Basic authorization does not require any certificate but only user name and password, like in your code.


        Unless you had a reason to create the code that you provided, I would recommend to use some traffic recording tool (Fiddler, for example) and record the traffic from the application. Analyze recording then and replicate it in your test code.