Forum Discussion

mfoster711's avatar
Regular Contributor
10 years ago

How to check if Aliases name exists

Is there a method to determine if an Aliases name is valid name used in my Name Mapping file before trying to use it?  Example: I have code where I perform the following in VBScript&colo...
  • joseph_michaud's avatar
    10 years ago

    I had interpreted Mark's question to be:  "can I check if an entry is present in the Aliases map?"  without regard to the underlying presence in the NameMap or any existence in the running system.

    We can't use IsSupported() because it will return True regardless, so it becomes an exercise in traversing the Aliases tree.  I *think* this will do it....

    ' VBScript

    'Option Explicit
    ' ' propertyOf - return child object of 'obj' whose name is "prop", or Empty object if not found ' Function propertyOf(obj, prop)   Dim p, propColl, propItem, propName, value   Set propColl = aqObject.GetProperties(obj, True)   Set p = Nothing   Do While propColl.HasNext()     Set propItem = propColl.Next()     propName = propItem.Name     If aqString.Compare(propName, prop, true) = 0 Then       Set value = propItem.Value       Set p = value       Exit Do     End If   Loop   Set propertyOf = p End Function ' ' Check that the object chain "name" is in the Aliases map.  ' "name" starts with "Aliases".  Eg: "Aliases.notepad.wndNotepad" ' Sub check(name)   Dim arr, arrItem, obj, nm, propObj     arr = split(name, ".")   For Each arrItem In arr     If aqString.Compare(arrItem, "Aliases", true) = 0 Then       nm = "Aliases"       Set obj = Aliases     Else       nm = nm & "." & arrItem       Set propObj = propertyOf(obj, arrItem)       If propObj Is Nothing Then         Log.Message(nm & " is NOT present")         Exit For       Else         Log.Message(nm & " is present")         Set obj = propObj       End If     End If   Next End Sub Sub Test1   check("Aliases.notepad.wndNotepad")   check("") End Sub