Forum Discussion

nisgupta's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

How to delete log folders under th Project Suite log folder

We are running Testcomplete Tests on remote machines which have TestExecute .. With the help of batch file and Task scheduler we are running the tests for every 30 minutes of the day. SO the tests are running every day i.e. 24/7.


Now I am seeing those project Suite log files have occupied lot of memory which can make machine very slow. 

Does any one know how to delete the files under the project suite Log Folder automatically using the batch file programming ? I am using the following command which delete the folder under the Log folder which are 2 days old. But the issue is it give the error if it do not find the folders which are 2 days old . How can I avoid this error ?


ForFiles /p "C:\Users\nisgupta\Documents\TestComplete\IS\Finance\HSC\Budget Revision System\Budget Revision System HSC\Log" /s /d -2 /c "cmd /c del /f /q @path"

