Forum Discussion

kcoffrin's avatar
9 years ago

IE 11: Test Complete 12 Not Recognizing Username and Password

Have a simple test complete keyword test which launches a web page, clicks the login button enters the credentials and clicks login.  


When running the test within Test Complete a message appears stating "Invalid Username and Password".  


When manually typing in this login information, I am able to login utilizing this username and password without issue.  This same test also runs in both Chrome and Firefox without issue. 


I have gone through the "Setting up Internet Explorer" steps and ensured that all settings for Test Complete are accurate.  I have deleted temp files and performed all standard troubleshooting with the same result. 


Any assistance you can provide or suggestions on what I can try would be great. 



  • No problem with keyword tests, just post a screenshot  :)


    I will go ahead and guess at your test - are you using set_Text or Keys to enter the data?  If you aren't using Keys, try switching to that and see if the entries are recognized.

  • It helps if you can post the lines of code in question so we can see.


    When the test runs, do you see the username and password being entered in the appropriate boxes?

    • kcoffrin's avatar



      Thanks for getting back to me.  I am using Keyword Tests, Not Scripts for this test.  I can certainly convert this test to a script and post it for you if that would help.


      Yes, when the test runs the username and password are entered within the appropriate boxes with the appropriate values.  


      After the test fails as it is unable to proceed to the main landing page, I can clear the username and password...manually type in the same values and login without a problem.


      We are testing an in house / non released web based application right now, so I am limited what I can post regarding the actual interface.


      • Marsha_R's avatar

        No problem with keyword tests, just post a screenshot  :)


        I will go ahead and guess at your test - are you using set_Text or Keys to enter the data?  If you aren't using Keys, try switching to that and see if the entries are recognized.