Forum Discussion

sdruker's avatar
11 years ago

Importing\Exporting Testcomplete tests


is it possible to import test to testcomplete

or export test to different formats?

for example,export a keyword to csv, or xml files?

  • Each Keyword test is an XML file, but with a different extension.

    However, it seems to me it would not be easy to parse them.
  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert

    Hi Sivan, what is it you wanting to acheive, e.g. are you wanting to:


    1. Import tests from a Tool other than Test Complete?

    2. Export tests to include in another Test Complete Project?

    3. Export tests to view the Steps?

    4. Export tests to import into a Tool other than Test Complete?

    5. Some other reason?


    Phil Baird

  • karkadil's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Each Keyword test is an XML file, but with a different extension.

    However, it seems to me it would not be easy to parse them.
  • Thank you for your answers,  the   SaveResultAs method , related to the test results.

    my question is if it possible to export\import  test's steps 
  • leandropoblet's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    It's actually not possible (who knows why... since it seems to me a very usefull feature).

    A workarround would be to copy/paste a project, in which case you can have two equal projects in the same project suit and then proceed to modify one of them assuming that's what you need.

    Another way would be to copy the project suit folder and rename it.

    Hope you can make it
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Sivan,


    You can copy different tests from the current project and add them to a new one via (Add | Existing Item).

    I suggest that you get acquainted with the project structure here.


  • Hi All,

    Thank you for your comments.

    It seems my question was not clear enough...

    I want to export the keyword test steps into csv file for example, to use it outside TestComplete.

    and import csv (or other file types) files containing steps into TestComplete and convert them to  keyword tests.