Forum Discussion

meghaphophalia's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Java script Code for restore database

I write this script for restore database. But getting the error -Login failed for user 'fastreact' .

function To_Restore_DB_FR4()
var query = "RESTORE DATABASE FR4_Manual_Regression_Apparel FROM DISK = 'C:\\Automation DBs\\FR4_Manual_Regression_Apparel.bak' WITH REPLACE, RECOVERY;"
var AConnection, RecSet;
//Create connection
AConnection = ADO.CreateADOConnection();
//Get the machine name
//Connection string from Test Complete.
AConnection.ConnectionString = AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source="+Source_name+"\\SQLEXPRESS;User Id=fastreact;Password=";
AConnection.LoginPrompt = false;
// Execute a simple query
RecSet = AConnection.Execute_(query);
//Close DB connection



Not able to debug what is the exact issue .Also these steps are running manually at my side .

Database is master and User fastreact is there .There is no password set for this.

  • Does that user name in fact have permissions to connect to the database?  Does it work if you do the connnection from a db tool?

    • meghaphophalia's avatar
      Occasional Contributor
      Yes,it work if I do the connnection from a db tool
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  • VirginiaSus3's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    bak' which is available in 'D:\' location if you are overwriting the existed database. If you are creating a new database with this restore command and there is no similar path of data, log files in target server, then use move option like the following command.
    it('should return validation error if metric type is invalid', async () => {  sinon.stub(Metric.prototype, 'insertDatapoints').returns([])  sinon.stub(MetricsStoreProxy.prototype, 'get').returns(new Metric({metricID: '1', type: 'Mock'}))  sinon.stub(MockService.prototype, 'shouldAdminPostDatapoints').returns(false)
      const id = 123
      await handle({[id]: []}, null, (error, result) => {   error = JSON.parse(error)   assert(error.length === 1)   assert(error[0].message.match(/Mock/))  })
      MockService.prototype.shouldAdminPostDatapoints.restore() })


    • rraghvani's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      Are you able to query a table, for example.

      function test()
      	var conn = ADO.CreateConnection();
      	conn.ConnectionString = ""; // Use correct database connection string,
      	// If the query fails, then database connection string is incorrect
      	conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM table_name;");

       This is just to test that the database connection string is correct