Forum Discussion

Niran's avatar
13 years ago

Low Level Procedure Exception issue

Hi all,

        I have one repeated random error in run result of the Test complete automation .

        Issue Information follows,

        "Cannot obtain the window with the window class 'IEFrame' "application url" - Windows Internet Explorer...........

         Object does not exist. (It displays more than 500 lines)

         Cannot get a Picture Object the input Parameter"

I am using LLP, C# scripts not a keyword test.

I am using web based application. Browser is IE 9.0

I have 100 test cases in my one project.

These issues appeared randomly any test case or cases when I am running all test cases at one time.

If i run issued test case separately, it got success. I cannot identify what is the problem.

If anyone have any idea please share with this thread.


3 Replies

  • Hi,

    If you face an "object not found" error, a link to the corresponding help topic should be posted to the test log. Have you tried following the suggestions provided in the help topic, a link to which has been posted to your test log? What were the results? If the help topic was not enough for you to find the cause of the problem, let us know what problems you faced while diagnosing the problem so we can improve our documentation.

    BTW, a list of the corresponding help topics (depending on specific error messages) can be found in the Handling the 'Object Not Found' Errors help topic. Suggestions provided in this topic are usually enough to diagnose such problems.

    Additionally, when testing web pages, the default and recommended way to access them is to obtain the appropriate Page objects as direct children of the process without interacting with the browser's GUI.
  • Hi Jared,


                    I tried Handling 'Object not found' Error this page, but i can not solve my problem. Because 'Object not found' Exception occurred in test cases randomly. If this error exist any one test cases repeatedly, i can search solution and solve this problem. If any way to solve this problem. please share with me.

    You can find the attachment for this issue, First image for error start line and second one for error end line.

  • Hi,

    Actually, it doesn't matter whether such errors occur in one place or randomly, the approach in general will be the same. All your errors shown in the log are most probably related to the first one, and if you resolve the first error, you should be able to get rid of others. Check the Additional Information section of the first error and find the object reported there as 'missing object'. Check its recognition parameters and make sure that they allow identifying this object reliably. Also, you can try waiting for this object if it is a timing issue.