Forum Discussion

mkambham's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Mobile Automation execution of Android Platform is much slower than execution in IOS device. Why?

Mobile Automation execution of Android Platform is much slower than execution in IOS device. Why?


As I am working on Mobile platform, I have observed a difference in Android and iPhone execution speed. if a test case takes 1 min : 34 sec to complete execution in IOS device, in androids device it is taking more than 5 min to execute the same. why the difference time is more in different platforms.

  • mkambham's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The object reorganization of the Applications in Android devices is too slow. It is taking large time to recognize the object in Android devices. Is there any possible solution for that.

    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi mkambham I see that you opened a support ticket (00450538)


      Please keep working with our Support, looks like they are waiting on additional info from you to investigate this situation. Also, it would be great if you posted the solution you get from them here, too. Thanks.