Forum Discussion

kyork's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Popup window not recording during web testing

TestComplete stopped recording the pop-up window and the activities performed on the pop-up window during web testing.  I thought this issue would resolve once I upgraded to the new version 15.43.1 b...
  • kyork's avatar
    3 years ago

    It is an actual browser window that is opened using Javascripts method.  The browser window used to record even without the SmarBear Test Extension but it stopped recording when we haven't changed anything.

  • kyork's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hello TK6666.  This is still an issue for me but there is a temporary workaround.  When you record your test case, use the property checkpoint on the pop-up browser.  Adding the property checkpoint allows TC to recognize the popups.  I have spoken with the TC support team about this and they are working with their DevOps team to find a permanent solution.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    2 years ago might be worth removing the Solved solution for this topic

  • TK6666's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi kyork 

    could you kindly advise which checkpoint you are specifically using. When i try to use the checkpoint it is also behaving abnormally. It gives a message''finding checkpoint under mouse'' and just hangs there until i have to exit. Do you know if the TC support team has an ETA as to when this issue will be resolved. I haven't had any feedback yet on my ticket that i logged