Forum Discussion

sohailalam2696's avatar
11 months ago

Session Creator

So, I have a quick question, I know what following command does, but may I please know where should I put the below command? Is it going to be at the end of execution plan or should it be directly written on Command Line? And one more thing, TestComplete is in my TESTSERVER and if i run this command locally, will this run the TESTCOMPLETE in my local? Thanks

SessionCreator.exe RunTest /UserName:Tester /password:mypassword1 /ProjectPath:"C:\tests\MyProjectSuite.pjs" /project:Test_Project

  • As mentioned in the documentation, "The RunTest command opens an interactive user session (or connects to an existing session) using the specified credentials and runs the specified TestComplete test."


    If you are using a VM, and you type in a command such as DIR C:\ in the Command Prompt, it will produce a directly listing of the C: drive of your VM. The same applies if you were to run SessionCreate.exe from the Command Prompt, it will run the application on your VM - assuming you have TestExecute installed on the VM.


    I suggest you read through Running Tests via Remote Desktop to understand running tests.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    As mentioned in the documentation, "The RunTest command opens an interactive user session (or connects to an existing session) using the specified credentials and runs the specified TestComplete test."


    If you are using a VM, and you type in a command such as DIR C:\ in the Command Prompt, it will produce a directly listing of the C: drive of your VM. The same applies if you were to run SessionCreate.exe from the Command Prompt, it will run the application on your VM - assuming you have TestExecute installed on the VM.


    I suggest you read through Running Tests via Remote Desktop to understand running tests.