TestComplete doesn't respond after executing one test case.
I've tried executing some testcases handling some excel sheets.
For the first time it works fine and prints all the results properly.
Once the testcase is executed if i rerun the same testcase TC is not responding and the execution controls are displayed on the top-right corner for infinite time without executing the test case.
Please help me on this
Ok Problem solved.
Stupid problem really.
I was running ReadyAPI 1.1.0
I then updated to 1.2.2. However the shortcut on my desktop was still pointing to 1.1.0. Hence the java libs was copied into 1.2.2 since it is the one I thought I was using. As a simple test I copied into 1.2.2 folder. Everything worked perfect :-)
Wil update shortcut now to point to the correct place.
Thanks for everyones input.