Forum Discussion

brijmitchell's avatar
10 years ago

TestExecute acts differently to TestComplete

I am seeing a issue where i have created a test that opens a file from IE-11, so i have managed to map the new popup window in IE11 and running the test on my development enviroment runs with no issues.


But when i run it on TestExecute on one of our slaves, its unable to find the open button, although its running the same test with the same project.


Its the same version of IE, i have made sure all project configuration was commited to the project also all updates to tests but it still unable to click the button.


Im not sure what i am doing wrong.


Please help....

14 Replies

  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Enable test logs in Test Execute if not already enabled and post a screenshot of the errors shown in the test log. Without that we'd just be guessing.

  • We do have logging enabled, i have attached a screenshot of the error.


    Under additional info we have the following...


    TestComplete 10 Log


    You are trying to call the "VisibleOnScreen" method or property of the "Open" object that does not exist.


    Althought when i run the exact same test through TestComplete, its using the same browser and same enviroment to test but for some reason with TestExecute its unable to click "Open" in the frame notication window.


    • chrisb's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Lets see what that Javascript runtime error is. Click on it in logs, select the additional info tab and post another screenshot.

      • brijmitchell's avatar

        Jscript Error

        Invalid variant operation

        Error location:
        Unit: "TAP\TAP\Script\CommonFunctions"
        Line: 1330 Column: 3.


        Script Execution Error

        Possible reasons:
        - An error or warning occurred during the test run. See the preceding log entries to locate and identify the error.
        - The test run was stopped manually.
        - The test run was terminated as a result of the Runner.Halt method call.

    • chrisb's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Post the 'additional info' for the object does not exist error as well.