6 years agoOccasional Contributor
Upload multiple Files
I am testing a web application where it opens a file selector to choose files that are uploaded. I was able to use 'OpenFile' to upload a single file but I need to be able to select and upload more than one files at a time. How could I achieve this? Optionally if I can drag and drop multiple files using windows explorer that would would be helpful.
I think you can open multiple files by using spaces in the first parameter of OpenFile. It at least works for Notepa++
function test() { let window = NameMapping.Sys.Process("notepad++").Window("#32770", "Open", 1); window.OpenFile('"C:\\New Text Document (2).txt" "C:\\New Text Document.txt"'); }
I would not reccomend dragging and dropping multiple files, that would likely prove to be very unreliable.