Forum Discussion

msalvador's avatar
Frequent Contributor
5 years ago

Web module and mobile module

Hi guys,

I'll describe my scenario.

I have a web application that interact with an android app.

For the moment I automate only web application, but I would like to automate mobile app, and try do interact action made by device, with web app.


Web app:

-Show orders, with status(new, processing, close) and show items scanned


Mobile app:

-Start an order, and scan items barcode


Iteractions step:

-Open an order with mobile app

-Web app change status from new to processing

-Scan an item

-Web app show item scanned


Do you have any idea how can I do to automate togheter

  • Hi,


    TestComplete will use Web module while interacting with we application and Mobile module while interacting with mobile one.

    If I got your scenario right, you need to prepare your mobile device as recommended in TestComplete's documentation, connect it to the box with TestComplete and register tested mobile and web applications as Tested Applications (for the sake of recording convenience). Then start recording, launch mobile and web TestedApps and perform required actions in them.


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Your scenario is absolutely possible.

    Just record it to get an idea of how TestComplete drives different applications within the same test.


    • msalvador's avatar
      Frequent Contributor
      So you suggest to record Iteractions between web and Android device? Ok but witch Module I'll use, mobile? Because if i remember well they are differenti. However I'll try
      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        TestComplete will use Web module while interacting with we application and Mobile module while interacting with mobile one.

        If I got your scenario right, you need to prepare your mobile device as recommended in TestComplete's documentation, connect it to the box with TestComplete and register tested mobile and web applications as Tested Applications (for the sake of recording convenience). Then start recording, launch mobile and web TestedApps and perform required actions in them.