Forum Discussion

torus's avatar
2 years ago

Web testing - Switch between using FindElement + Xpath to grab objects and using NameMap objects

Is there a way to use the 'FindElement' method for a NameMapping object? I thought (was hoping) the below code would work, but it does not. I read the 'FindElement' documentation and it says the FindElement is a method all Web test objects have.

The things in the NameMapping tree are web test object (I think). I don't know where I am going wrong.

I see the tableCell object has a 'firstChild' attribute. However, I don't want to use this. I only know how to identify the checkbox via the xpath ... I would like to use the xpath to find this sub-element.



function testFindElementMethod()
    // Table_Row1_Col_HasAccess xpath-selector = //table[@id='s-table']//tbody//tr[not(contains(@class,'filter-row'))][1]/td[9]
    var tableCell = Aliases.WebBrowser.OQM_Users_Page.Table_Row1_Col_HasAccess;  
    // If add 'tableCell' to my Watch list, i can see that this object did store it's findElement selector in the name attribute:
    // tableCell's Name attribute: "FindElement(\"xpath=//table[@id='s-table']//tbody//tr[not(contains(@class,'filter-row'))][1]/td[3]\")"
    // However, the below line of code does not find the child (grandchild) checkbox element like I think it would. 
    var child3 = tableCell.FindElement("//input[contain(@type,'checkbox')]");



  • You can use FindElement method on a mapped object. Not sure if this is a good example,


    function TestX()
        // URL:
        // Aliases.frameIframeresult = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("").Panel("container").Panel("iframecontainer").Panel("iframe").Panel("iframewrapper").Frame("iframeResult")
        var frame = Aliases.frameIframeresult;
        var table1 = frame.FindElement("/html/body/table");
        var table2 = table1.FindElement("//*/td[2]/table");
        var cells = table2.FindElements("//*/td[2]/table/tbody/tr");
        for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {



2 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You can use FindElement method on a mapped object. Not sure if this is a good example,


    function TestX()
        // URL:
        // Aliases.frameIframeresult = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("").Panel("container").Panel("iframecontainer").Panel("iframe").Panel("iframewrapper").Frame("iframeResult")
        var frame = Aliases.frameIframeresult;
        var table1 = frame.FindElement("/html/body/table");
        var table2 = table1.FindElement("//*/td[2]/table");
        var cells = table2.FindElements("//*/td[2]/table/tbody/tr");
        for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {



  • torus's avatar

    thank you for the help rraghvani 


    I see now that I had a typo in my xpath. I had



    var child3 = tableCell.FindElement("//input[contain(@type,'checkbox')]");



    but the 'contain' should have been 'contains'.



    var child3 = tableCell.FindElement(".//input[contains(@type,'checkbox')]");


    Additionally, I needed to start the xpath out with a dot (period) indicating that TestComplete should search for the checkbox within the tableCell object ... only search for the checkbox within the tableCell ... don't search the entire page.


    With this change, the code I originally posted works great now. Thank you again for the help. I am glad to know that I can use FindElement with NameMapping objects.